
Government intentionally contraposes reforms required by IMF with those promoted by EU, opinion


The abundant statements made by representatives of the ruling party contain a series of attacks on the EU, political pundit Dionis Cenusa says in an analysis article for IPN Agency.

According to the expert, first of all the assertions made by the Democrats insinuate that the EU does not fulfil the commitment to provide financial assistance even if the Moldovan authorities fulfilled all the necessary conditions.

The second accusation is similar to that adopted in 2017, when the introduction of the mixed electoral system was forced. Thus, the Democrats describe the EU’s requests to Moldova concerning the validation of the Chisinau early mayoral elections and the calls to suspend the first installment of the macro-financial assistance as interference in domestic affairs. Such an approach endangers the future relations of partnership with the EU, which cannot exist without mutual confidence and precise fulfillment of the contract provisions.

The third accusation describes the EU’s decision to stop the macro-financial assistance as an action aimed against the citizens. Premier Filip uses kindergarten children to underscore that the EU’s decision will have unfavorable consequences for vulnerable categories of people. This way, public pressure is exerted on Brussels and attention is simultaneously distracted from the party to blame – the government.

The fourth accusation was made against the EP for the resolution adopted on July 5, which is considered politicized and abusive, and also against the EU Delegation to Moldova for not reflecting the government’s position in the information issued to the media. In other words, the authorities say the resident European diplomats do not correctly communicate with Brussels and the reports about the developments in the country are thus “incomplete”.

Ultimately, the Moldovan authorities shift the responsibility for the failure to do the justice sector reform that was implemented with European financial support onto EU experts and representatives of civil society. Moreover, the government contraposes the reforms promoted by the EU with those done to implement the program with the International Monetary Fund. This way, in an artificial way, it is induced the idea that the problem resides not in the performance, capacity or will the government, which achieved good results in reforming the banking sector, but in the quality of donors. It thus results that the EU is less qualified than the IMF even if many of the reforms coordinated with the IMF correspond to the provisions of the Association Agreement.

All these accusations maneuvered by the government show its attempt to interpret the EU – Moldova dialogue as a symmetric relationship. Thus, the government in Chisinau consciously ignores the fact that Moldova is the party that benefits from European assistance and agreed voluntarily to meet particular technical and political requirements, concluded the expert in political sciences.