
Generous salaries and cash gifts: the Bashkan declares her 2024 income


Bashkan Eugenia Gutul received a salary of 390,000 lei last year. This amounts to nearly 32,000 lei per month - twice the average salary in Moldova.

On the occasion of birthdays, she and her family members received cash gifts totaling 170,000 lei and 4,000 euros, which is half the amount they received in 2023.

According to her asset declaration, Eugenia Gutul is the only employed person in her family.

Her husband earned 20,000 lei in 2023 from the company Binonix Lux, but this information was not declared. The document states that he is unemployed. Guțul’s former husband paid 48,000 lei in child support.

For 2024, the Bashkan did not report purchasing any real estate or vehicles. However, in previous years, she declared ownership of a Mercedes Vito (manufactured in 2010 and purchased in 2022 for 10,000 lei) and a Volkswagen Jetta (manufactured in 2016 and bought for 50,000 lei in 2021).

Regarding her living arrangements, Eugenia Gutul has owned an apartment since 2019, purchased for 300,000 lei. However, she currently lives with her family in a different apartment, which is twice as spacious at 95.8 square meters. In her declaration, the Bashkan specifies that this property belongs to her sister and that she resides there rent-free.

Upon taking office, Guțul submitted income declarations for two years - 2021 and 2022 - stating in official documents that she had a salary of just over 4,000 lei, 140,000 lei in income from her husband’s businesses, and gifts totaling 20,000 euros.

In 2023, when asked about her income, the Bashkan told the press that she had “married well”.