
Gas crisis is a hybrid warfare operation aimed at Moldova, opinion


It is not right to shift responsibility for all the problems that accumulated during 30 years on a Government or a minister, PAS MP Radu Marian said in response to the Party of Change’s demand to dismiss Minister of Infrastructure and Regional Development Andrei Spînu. According to him, Moldova suffers the consequences of the inaction of the former governments that weren’t preoccupied with the diversification of the gas supply sources. For his part, political commentator Valeriu Pașa said the faced energy crisis is a hybrid warfare operation aimed at Moldova, IPN reports.

PAS MP Radu Marian assured that the executive handles the energy crisis and makes effort to cope with the rise in the purchase price of gas by additional measures of support for the socially deprived groups. The difficult situation experienced now is a consequence of the inaction of the former governments.

“The condition to pay in advance has been stipulated in the contract for 15 years, but started to be applied only now. We are facing an exceptional situation as we inherited full dependence on one source. The purchase price rose indeed, but the citizens pay the same rate and only negative deviations appeared. There is the Government’s program to provide subsidies for one million families. If it is necessary, we will expand the support package. It is not right to blame a Government or a minister for all the problems that accumulated until now,” Radu Marian stated in the talk show “Secretes of the Power” on JurnalTV channel.

The leader of the Party of Change Ștefan Gligor said Deputy Prime Minister Spînu should be dismissed, noting it is unacceptable for the state to intervene again to pay the debts of Moldovagaz for avoiding an eventual halt in gas supplies.

“We consider the minister of infrastructure does not manage to cope with these challenges. The worst scenario today is to remain without gas. If we give Gazprom reasons to do this, it will do it. We already set the precedent of using state budget funds to pay for current consumption and the advance by the transfer of debts. It would be regrettable if the Government covers these differences again as Moldovagaz, as any other business entity, has to honor its obligations to Gazprom,” stated Ștefan Gligor.

Political commentator Valeriu Pașa noted the energy problems faced by Moldova are created artificially by Moscow so as to keep Moldova in its sphere of influence.

“This gas crisis is a hybrid warfare operation of aggression by the Russian Federation against the Republic of Moldova. This is done not only in order to generate economic costs, to make us poorer and unable to develop, but also in order to destabilize the political situation in the country. The gas issue is very sensitive from social viewpoint and it is fully exploited by the agents of influence of the Kremlin and by kleptocratic groups of the Republic of Moldova that disguise themselves as parties. The Government should avoid social destabilization, the destabilization of the situation by managing risks,” stated Valeriu Pașa.

The purchase price of the natural gas supplied by Gazprom to Moldova in January is US$646 per 1,000 cubic meters, up US$200 on last month. To be able to make the payments, Moldovagaz initiated negotiations with a number of banks for raising a loan.