
Functionary suspected of perverse actions against minor


A man aged 32 from Leova town is suspected of committing perverse actions against a minor. It was established that the man, who is a functionary, had had obscene discussions about sexual relations with minors through social networking sites during a year and a half. He tried to convince them to meet with him to have sex in a perverse form, IPN reports.

The man was charged on two counts – preparation of violent actions of a sexual character against a minor and perverse actions. If he is found guilty, he will serve five to twelve years in jail. According to the General Police Inspectorate, the information systems used to commit the given offence were located at the suspect’s home and in his office.

The police warn the parents and guardians to be cautious and to monitor the virtual areas and social networking sites used by the children. For more information about the methods of protecting children in the Internet, the grownups can visit the portal www.siguronline.md or can call: ((022) 577-177 (guard unit of the National Investigations Inspectorate); 078710293.