
Fruit and vegetable prices slightly down


A kilogram of cucumbers at the market costs between 12 and 14 lei, as opposed to 13 and 15 lei/kg last week. Tomatoes can be bought for 7-8 lei/kg, as opposed to 9 lei/kg a week ago. A kilogram of bell peppers costs 9-10 lei, as last week. Egg plants are also sold at the old price of 10 lei/kg, IPN reports.

A kilogram of capsicums costs 16-18 lei, as against 15 lei last week.  Potatoes are sold for 6 lei/kg, as earlier. Cabbage continues to be sold for 4 lei/kg. A bunch of dill and parsley costs 3 lei, 1 leu down, while of green onion tops is sold for 4 lei, as last week.

Plums can be bought for 12 lei/kg, as opposed to 10 lei/kg last week. A kilogram of grapes costs 12 lei, in contrast to 9-10 lei/kg last week.

A cob with corn is sold for 6 lei. Watermelons are sold for 2 lei/kg, while melons cost 4 lei/kg. Both of the prices are at the same level as a week ago.

Ten eggs cost 13 lei/kg. Butter is sold for 45 lei/kg, sour cream for 35 lei/kg, cow milk cheese for 50 lei/kg, as earlier, while ewe milk cheese for 70 de lei/kg. A kilogram of beef costs 70 lei/kg, while of pork at least 80 lei/kg.