
Free screenings of moles offered in Chisinau


Those interested can receive free screenings of pigmented nevi, or moles in ​​Chisinau on weekends, starting today and until June 26. Examinations are offered according to a schedule as part of the “Skin Cancer Can Be Prevented” Campaign.

Moles that are darker in color, are located in open areas, are exposed to sunlight or to friction from clothes, may be a health hazard. “When they notice that moles change shape, color, become more convex, when there are sensations of pain, itching, and, especially, when small islets of a darker color appear on the surface of the mole, people should see a dermatologist”, Dr. Vasile Morcov, deputy director at the Municipal Dermato-Venereological Dispensary in Chisinau, told IPN.

People with very fair skin, blue eyes and light hair are in the high-risk group. The lighter the skin, the less melanocytes a person has, cells that produce melanin pigment and play a role in protecting them from sunrays. The risk also increases in older people.

Dr. Morcov says it would be ideal for people in the high-risk group to visit a dermatologist once a year. “If there is suspicion, moles will have to be removed as soon as possible, because melanoma is the third leading cause of death in Moldova”.

Screenings of pigment nevi are offered between 9:00AM and 7:00PM at the Farmacia Familiei drugstore network. The campaign was launched at the beginning of this month, at the proposal of the General Directorate of Medical and Social Assistance and is carried out in partnership with the Farmacia Familiei network, in accordance with the 2016-2025 National Cancer Control Program.