
Free activities for Ukrainian refugee children


Ukrainian refugee children have the opportunity to attend various extracurricular activities in Chisinau, with a number of clubs willing to welcome them free of charge.

While some clubs say no prior registration is needed, others say making a phone call beforehand would be a good idea. “It’s best if they give us a call so we can plan things, taking into consideration the interests of children and their age, because we have different activities on different days”, Valentina Burlaca, a manager at the “Politehnic” Creativity Center, told IPN.

The activities of the “Floarea soarelui” Creativity Center can be attended by children and young people between the ages of 5 and 21. They include modern dance classes, floral art, ceramics, art of communication, etc. Several children from Ukraine are already attending the floristry club and whistle lessons.

Veaceslav Levineț, director of the “Luceafărul” Creativity Center says that activities for children and young people from Ukraine are held in Russian, while the Municipal Library “Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu” offers activities in Ukrainian as well.

And so is the case at the “Eugen Doga” Musical School. “Our choir conductor is of Ukrainian origin and speaks the language fluently. She is willing to work with children from Ukraine. In addition, we have a repertoire in several foreign languages”, underlined Ala Țurcanu, the school principal.

There is a special section on the website launched by local authorities in Chisinau in support of refugee families: Activities for children, where all the opportunities can be seen.