
Free access to the Zoo for all children on June 1


On the International Children’s Day, the Zoo will stage the Doors Open Day. Admission for children of all ages will be free. Chisinau mayor Ion Ceban announced this at a meeting of officials of municipal services, highlighting the municipality’s investments in the rehabilitation and modernization of the Zoo, IPN reports.

The Doors Open Day will also be organized at the municipal cleanup company “Autosalubritate” on June 1. According to the company’s interim director Igor Girlea, the visitors, from young to older ones, will be able to see how the garbage trucks work, to learn more about the correct sorting of waste at source and about the waste management process.

Moreover, the municipal operator will organize educational activities, games and competitions with prizes.

The International Children’s Day was first proclaimed in Geneva during the World Conference on Child Welfare in 1925 and the Declaration for the Protection of the Child was then adopted. In 1954, UNICEF issued a recommendation that every country should have a day dedicated to children.