
Four companies ready to supply power to Moldova


Four companies expressed their readiness to supply electric power to Moldova within a contest announced earlier by Gas Natural Fenosa. In a press release, the company said it already sent invitations to take part in the next stages of the bidding contest to these suppliers, IPN reports.

The four companies are: SA “Energocom”, ZAO “Moldavskaya GRES”, PAO “DTEK Pavlogradugoli” and PAO “Donbassenergo”. If they accept to take part, the given companies must submit bids by March 13, 1pm. In a two-round bidding contest, the presented bids will be assessed and validated and the winner will be chosen.

The contract with the chosen supplier will be signed for the period between April 1, 2018 and March 31, 2019.  

On April 1, 2017, SA “Energocom” signed a contract for the supply of power at the price of US$50.2 per MWh (1 000 kWh) with “DTEK Trading” of Ukraine and then another contract with ZAO “Moldavskaya GRES”, which took effect on June 5. Under the two contracts that are valid by March 31 this year, Moldova will be supplied with power 30% from Ukraine and 70% by ZAO “Moldavskaya GRES”.