
Former MP calls for ASP in-depth audit


Alexandru Slusari, former Deputy Speaker of Parliament as a member of the Dignity and Truth Platform, called for an in-depth audit at the Public Services Agency (ASP) starting with its founding in 2017.

In a Facebook post, Alexandru Slusari suggested that this audit should first examine the suitability of spending public money and credit for upgrading and renting multifunctional centers, many of which are privately owned. "At the same time, in Chișinău and in many other cities, there are dozens of publicly owned buildings, which were suitable for the role of a multi-purpose center. Now these buildings are left derelict", said the former MP.

Alexandru Slusari said that he receives dozens of calls from the Public Services Agency on a daily basis. "People expect tariffs for several ASP services to be revised and be reduced in the coming days. These tariffs were sharply increased in the first half of the year. The former regime, and Nichiforciuc's man, who was in charge of the ASP, increased the tariffs for cadastral services several times, which seriously affected primarily the farmers and the rural population. The tariffs for civil status services and payments for registration plates have increased significantly", said the former DA Platform MP.

According to Alexandru Slusari, there is a huge gap in pay at the ASP: "The heads receive salaries of 30-40 thousand lei, while multiple positions in several departments can't attract employees due to low pay".