
Former judge and current judge of Constitutional Court about promotion of European integration


The Government didn’t do much to inform the people about the benefits of the country’s integration into the EU, former Constitutional Court judge Nicolae Osmochescu and current judge of the same court Victor Popa said in the program “Reply” on Prime TV channel, IPN reports.

According to Victor Popa, the anti-European messages will grow in number during the election campaign and the Government should thus ransmit a clear message to the people. “As long as the Government works and given that it assumed responsibility and signed the Association Agreement with the EU, it must provide explanations, not disseminate propaganda. They are specialists and know this accord the best. It’s not enough to say that the agreement is good as the people must realize that it is good,” said the judge.

Nicolae Osmochescu also considers that the authorities didn’t do enough to explain the necessity and the expected benefits of the Association Agreement to the people. “The capital city is full of large posters highlighting the necessity of joining the Customs Union. Regretfully, some of the civil servants consider that it is enough to declare the European integration as the external development course and do nothing else,” he stated.

Deputy Minister of Feign Affairs and European Integration Iulian Groza replied that the Government already launched an active campaign to promote the Association Agreement with the EU. “Advertisements explaining the benefits of the accord and the European integration process started to be broadcast through electronic media. We, the 40 deputy ministers, had meetings centering on the issue with over 10,000 people from different settlements. These activities will continue,” he said.