
Former administration hid true information about cigarette smuggling, Vlad Filat


Some of the state institutions during the Communist government hid the true information about the size of cigarette smuggling in Moldova, Prime Minister Vlad Filat said during the talk show “Good Evening” on Moldova 1, Info-Prim Neo reports. According to the Premier, the present administration transparently deals with cigarette smuggling. “We informed about all the identified cases and quantities seized,” Vlad Filat said. Quoting the National Agency for Fiscal Administration of Romania, the Prime Minister said about 2 million packets of cigarettes were seized in 2008 on the Moldovan-Romanian border. The Moldovan customs authorities identified and seized 218,000 packs of these, while the Romanian ones – over 1.7 million lei. “In 2010, over 1.2 million of the total about 2 million packs were confiscated in Moldova, while approximately 900,000 in Romania. This shows the customs started to work,” the Premier said. Vlad Filat stressed the Moldovan and Romanian border guards ensure security at the frontier with the EU.