
Fishing tax could be increased


The Ministry of Environment suggests raising the tax for one tonne of caught fish from 9,000 to 12,000 lei. The proposal is contained in a draft decision to amend and supplement a previous Government decision concerning the authorization of fishing in natural water resources, IPN reports.

The Ministry explains that the financial resources collected as fishing taxes are used for breeding fish, for scientific research and for taking measures to protect the biological aquatic resources, including for fighting poaching. “Thus, since 2008, when the mentioned Government decision was approved, the costs for the given measures have increased essentially, like, for example, the price of fuel for the field trips of the Pisciculture Service’s employees. The price of young fish that is bought for populating accumulation lakes also went up,” it is said in the informative note to the draft decision.

The Ministry also proposes removing the phrase ‘annual fishing quotas’ from the decision because it obliges the central natural resources management and environmental protection authority to annually approve these quotas and industrial or commercial fishing cannot be thus banned temporarily. “The proposed amendment will enable to legally ban industrial and commercial fishing for a particular period of time with the aim of rehabilitating fish populations,” says the document.

It is also suggested ensuring that a person holds only one sports and amateur’s fishing permit because there were cases when a person possessed several permits and thus could use more tools and fished more than allowed.