
First time in 17 years the Day of the Romanian Language will not be celebrated in Great National Assembly Square


For the first time in the last 17 years, the national celebration „Limba noastră” will not take place in Piaţa Marii Adunări Naţionale(Great National Assembly Square). Several ex-dignitaries that voted for the declaration of Romanian language as state language in 1989 are rather confused by the current situation of the celebration from August 31. Therefore, the last Prime-secretary of the Central Committee of CP of Moldova, Grigore Eremei, is shocked that the president of the country doesn’t admit the proper name for the language he speaks and signs all state documents in the Cyrillic method of writing. In an interview for Info-Prim Neo, Eremei declared that not only the head of states, but also the citizens, no matter what nationality, should know the language and history of the lands they live on. The quoted source believes that the Russian language should remain spoken, but shouldn’t be granted the status of state language. The first president of the republic of Moldova, Mircea Snegur, declared that he feels a negative attitude towards the Romanian language. He is enjoying the beautiful Romanian that the young are speaking, and is deeply troubled by the restless debates about the name of the language. The proper name of the language we speak is Romanian, and those who refuse to understand this should seek the help of scientists that are specialized in the etymology and evolution of our language, Mircea Snegur declared, and those who wished to study the Romanian language learned it, while others instigated wars and disorders. The first president is distressed by the attitude the government of the country has towards the celebration of the Romanian language, the revival of which he considered to be one biggest breakthroughs of the national liberation forces. “The celebration of the Romanian language should be done the same way it was done 17 years ago – by rendering homage to the language and traditions, with the inauguration of monuments to our ancestors” the first president of the Republic of Moldova, Mircea Snegur told Info-Prim Neo. The alteration and neglecting of the Romanian language are greater than in the Soviet Union era, declared for the Info-Prim Neo reporter the ex-president of the Moldova State Security Committee, Tudor Botnaru. “It is all done with the intention to decrease care for a beautifully shaped Romanian language, in order to promote primitive moldovenism and the absurd fact that we have a language different from Romanian”, avowed Tudor Botnaru. His opinion is that at this point the government doesn’t take any actions to promote a culturally correct language. Ex-president of Security claims that the Romanian language should be considered at home, and that the other nationalities should know this language. Tudor Butnaru believes the linguistic medium is seriously damaged by the fact that 70% of the radio and TV channels are in foreign languages.