
First stockpile of pesticides collected in Falesti transported to Poland


The first stockpile of pesticides collected on the territory of Falesti district was taken to Poland for being destroyed by burning by the company SARPI Dabrowa Gornicza.

Colonel Mariana Grama, of the Logistics Division of the General Staff, has told IPN that the stockpile consists of over 17 tonnes of pesticides. The activity forms part of the NATO/PpP Trust Fund Project “Disposal of Pesticides and Dangerous Chemicals in Moldova”.

At end-September, the Ministry of Defense started to collect pesticides in the districts of Falesti and Comrat. Mariana Grama sad that about 200 tonnes of pesticides from Falesti district and another about 140 tonnes from Comrat district will be transported to Poland this autumn, until it grows cold, when transportation of pesticide waste become dangerous.