
First clinical studies on patients with COVID-19 to be made in Moldova


The first clinical tests on SARS CoV-2 (COVID-19) to administer the clinical investigation product to patients in a moderate-grave state were approved today in the meeting of the Medicines Commission of the Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices. The studies will be conducted at the National Clinical Hospital “Timofei Moșneaga”, IPN reports.

According to the Agency, the first clinical study is initiated by the European representative office of a globally renowned U.S. pharmaceutical company specialized in the development of new molecules. It will clinically investigate an innovative medicine for treating acute lung diseases associated with COVID-19. The study will be carried out under the guidance of senior investigator Victor Cojocaru, university professor, head of the Anesthesia and Intensive Therapy Clinic.

The second study will be made by a biotechnology company of the United States that is testing a next-generation drug that showed a promising antiviral action against a number of human coronaviruses.

The Agency’s director general Eremei Priseajniuc said this is a privilege and also an opportunity for Moldova to have these large pharmaceutical research, development and drug making companies working in the U.S., the EU and Canada making clinical studies here given that they aim to develop efficient medicines for treating COVID-19 from which the Moldovan citizens will also benefit.

Both of the clinical studies are conducted on the initiative of the clinical research company ARENSIA Exploratory Medicine Moldova.