
First catalogue of NGOs from Transnistria has been presented


Centre for development and support of civic initiative “Rezonans” from Transnistria presented the catalogue of non-commercial organisations from Transnistria. Political Analysts in Chisinau consider that this is an attempt to legitimise the separatist regime in Tiraspol. The Catalogue includes 285 non-commercial organisations from the left bank of Nistru River. It includes data on their naming, legal organisation form, the year of registering, address, leadership, field of activity as well as the provided services. According to Iuliana Abramova, the centre’s director, most of the organisations (127) are registered and have their activity in Tiraspol, followed by Bender – 86 and Dubasari – more than 30 non-commercial organisations. Concerning the activity field, more than 34 % are operating in the domain of science, 31% - social protection, followed by children’s problem, sports and tourism etc. The common legal form is public organisation – about 70%, followed by non-commercial partnerships (13.6%) and foundations – more than 8%. According to the catalogue’s authors, most of the non-commercial organisations have been registered in the period between 2001 and 2006, “fact which confirms the tendency of rapid development of this sector in the last years”. Solicited to comment upon this publication, the political analyst Oazu Nantoi stated that this is an attempt to legalise the Transnistrian regime. He also qualified it as an attempt to show that the regime has a more democratic face. According to the expert, several organisations from the region, which have the purpose of liquidating Moldova as a state, are presented in the catalogue as “innocent organisation, dealing with social problems, patriotic education and others etc.” First of all this catalogue reflects the lack of a consistent position of Moldova concerning the Transnistrian problem, Oazu Nantoi specified. The catalogue of non-commercial organisations from Transnistria has been published with the financial support of OSCE mission in Moldova