
Firefighting Service no longer authorizes construction of new buildings


The Chisinau City Hall is against the exclusion of the Firefighting Service from the list of institutions that countersign the design documentation for erecting buildings. Mayor of Chisinau Dorin Chirtoaca said he will sign a special order to enable the firefighters to continue authorizing constructions, until particular amendments are made to the law, IPN reports.

A similar ordinance, made in reaction to the recently adopted legal act that excludes the Firefighting Service from the list of countersigning institutions, was issued earlier too, but was rejected by the court. “Since August, the firefighters have not been involved in the construction authorizing process. Thus, they do not issue an authorization, as provided by the law passed by Parliament. We do not agree with this. We will issue a new ordinance and will insist that the Firefighting Service should remain in the working group in charge of Chisinau so that they determine if the buildings meet the anti-fire rules. This is important so that the firefighters do not later come to extinguish fires in the buildings for which they didn’t issue authorizations,” said Dorin Chirtoaca.

“The new order also restores the general architect’s right to sign execution decisions. Under the current legislation, this is now done by the assessor who can be from another region and may not know what is done here,” said deputy mayor Nistor Grozavu.

The mayor said that at the request of the firefighters, six clubs and cafes working in Chisinau will be closed on a temporary basis because a series of violations of the anti-fire rules were discovered there.