
Fiodor Ghelici: Moldova’s Government robs ordinary pensioners when setting pensions


Fiodor Ghelici said the Government of Moldova robs the ordinary pensioners when setting pensions. More exactly, during April 1, 2003 – March 31, 2017, the pensioners received pensions calculated according to a formula that is not in accordance with the law, according to him.

Fiodor Ghelici is the ambassador and resident representative of the International Organization for Economic Development (IOED) in the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine, head of the Regional Office in Moldova for Belarus, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Moldova, Romania, Turkey, and Ukraine. He is also the official representative of the IOED at the UN in Geneva, the representative of the International Congress for the Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms “SHELD” in the Republic of Moldova and the representable of the International Union of Diplomats in Moldova.

In a news conference hosted by IPN, Fiodor Ghelici said that the pensions of hundreds of thousands of pensions who were cheated should be recalculated. He will create a strong public organization and no party will compete with this public organization that will be called Center of Struggle for the Life of Pensioners.

Pensioner Angela Florea told the same news conference that the pensioners were cheated as their right to a decent pension was violated. Not only the right of pensioners who receive old-age pensions were violated, but also the rights of persons with disabilities.

According to the pensioner, when calculating pensions during April 1, 2003 – March 31, 2017, the functionaries of the National House of Social Insurance applied calculation formulas that are different from those stipulated in the legislation. One of the indexes was applied without indexation. Consequently, most of the pensioners have been cheated by being paid lower pensions during 20 years. The distorted formulas are part of a Cabinet decision that runs counter to the law.

Pensioner Raisa Tănase said that she filed two lawsuits against the National House of Social Insurance as she was paid a lower pension than the pension to which she was entitled in accordance with the law, but justice to her wasn’t done.

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