Financing for subsidizing farmers was fully used
The 250 million lei plus 50 million lei for the Antihail Service has been fully used by the recipients of agricultural subsidies this year. The 150 million lei that will be transferred to the agriculture subsidization fund after the legislative body adopts the amendments to the 2011 state budget law in final reading will go to settle the subsidization debts of 215 million lei accumulated the previous years, Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry Vasile Bumakov said in an interview, quoted by Info-Prim Neo.
According to the minister, 36% of the 250 million lei will be used to stimulate investments in agricultural equipment and machinery. The subsidies for setting up annual plantations and for encouraging investments in developing post-harvest and processing infrastructure will represent 24.5% and, respectively, 9.2%.
“We will soon find out the amount of subsidy for 2012. It won’t be lower than in 2011. As a result of discussions with farmers, agricultural associations and the International Monetary Fund, we decided that the next subsidization period will be the considered the period between November 1 of the current year and November 1 of the next year,” said Vasile Bumakov.
75% of the total amount of subsidy will be disbursed immediately after the financing for the next year becomes available. The remaining applications for subsidization will be examined at the end of the year. They will be satisfied with the rest of 25%.