
Financial reporting by initiative groups remains symbolical, report


At least 1.1 million lei costs incurred by the initiative groups set up by parties and electoral blocs to collect signatures weren’t reported to the Central Election Commission, says the third monitoring report presented by the election observation mission of Promo-LEX Association on January 24, IPN reports.

According to the report, which covers the period between January 9 and January 22, the Shor Party didn’t declare over 600,000 lei, the Party of Socialists – over 250,000 lei, the Democratic Party – over 177,000 lei, “Our Party” – over 33,000 lei, the Party of Communists – 25,000 lei, the Liberal Party – over 10,000 lei, the electoral bloc ACUM – 2,300 lei.

According to the official website of the Central Election Commission, 145 initiative groups haven’t submitted a financial report or information about no-costs incurred to the CEC.

Promo-LEX said in the monitored period the electoral contenders and fielded candidates continued to organize electoral events. Of the 111 events identified by observers, 62% were staged by the Party of Socialists, 12% by the bloc ACUM, 11% by the Democratic Party, while 9% by the Shor Party. Electoral presents were also offered in the period. The Party of Socialists was involved in eight such cases, the Shor Party in three cases, the Democratic Party in two cases and the Liberal Party in one case.

The election campaign prior to the parliamentary elections starts on January 25 and the registered contenders can start campaigning.