
Fight against underground economy and support for producers. Candidates’ promises in IPN’s second electoral debate


The Party of Change suggests uniting around a concept of governance aimed at bringing things in the justice sector in order, designing solid and equitable policies to fight the underground economy, increasing budget revenues and persuading the people to return home. For its part, the Party “Democracy at Home” said it will propose a law to issue the farmers with licenses to directly import diesel fuel and to exempt them from excise duties and VAT. They are for developing a national plan for creating producing and processing SMEs in rural areas. The new investors should be exempted from tax on profit for a period of five years and the state should offer a subsidy equal to 50% of the value of the equipment bought to start SMEs. Representatives of these election contenders were invited to the second electoral debate of the series “Analyzing Electoral Supply and Demand-2021” that are held by IPN Agency. The Shor Party didn’t accept the invitation.

The president of the Party of Change Ștefan Gligor said he forms part of a team that comes with a concrete, realistic message and the party’s position on the political arena, which is used by the political class to divide society, is less important. There should be capacity to unite around a concept, a simple idea that is the ideological basis of the Party of Change at present and for the next few years.

“We need, as society, to unite around a concept of good governance in the Republic of Moldova, outside geopolitical courses, orientations and speculations, ethnicity, spoken language, religion or another characteristic. We are united by poverty and great disappointment in the inefficiency of the state, in the fact that our institutions, instead of serving us, are an obstacle to our development,” stated Ștefan Gligor, noting they are a party, a force of changes whose members believe in what they do and who not only know what to do, but are also able to do, without fear.

Ștefan Gligor said he is a lawyer, jurist and represents a team of professionals who were involved in political processes through their civic activities, as citizens who had a clear anti-regime and reform agenda during the past few years.

The representative of the Party “Democracy at Home” Sergei Ceban said the Moldovans no longer believe that they can have a future at home and their party’s general slogan is that the Moldovans can build a future at home. The party has pleaded for social justice, for the protection of small and medium-sized farmers and for the promotion of the national products. “We consider that to have decent living conditions at home, we should respect and implement the Agreement with the EU as a method for ensuring the justice sector reform that causes headaches to farmers and to those from the diaspora who want to return home, but are unable to. This way we could attract foreign financing for revitalizing the national economy and could assure everyone that we no longer need to beg. We have money here, at home, and need only political will to clean Parliament, the justice system and to make sure that things work properly,” stated Sergei Ceban.

He noted that their team includes new people who hadn’t been earlier involved in politics, in the activity of state institutions and in schemes of corruption. They are an upright team that showed that something can be done in Moldova. “We proved that only with a mobile phone connected to the Internet and with several liters of diesel fuel we can correct something in this country. By civic activism, we exposed a number of schemes of corruption that impoverish the state and the citizens. We proved that the national producers, local products can be promoted,” stated Sergei Ceban, adding that the first ten candidates on their list include a farmer and three persons representing the diaspora.

In the July 11 snap parliamentary elections, the Party of Change will be under No. 20 on the ballot, the Party “Democracy at Home” -  under No. 11, while the Shor Party - under No. 4.

IPN’s third electoral debate set for July 1, 11:15am, will feature the election contenders Alliance for the Union of Romanians, the Party of Law and Justice and the Party of Action and Solidarity.

IPN Agency staged the electoral debates as part of the series “Developing Political Culture though Public Debates” with the assistance of the Hanns Seidel Foundation of Germany.