
Faster interventions in emergency situations caused by weather phenomena


The 112 Emergency Service and the State Weather Service have signed a cooperation agreement to respond faster and more efficiently to emergency situations caused by extreme meteorological and hydrological phenomena, IPN reports.

The cooperation of the two institutions will allow to reduce the call processing time. "We are shortening the response time to 100 seconds, compared to 3-4 minutes as it sometimes takes now," said Anatolie Viniciuc, acting director of the 112 Service.

Mihai Grigoraş, acting deputy director of the State Weather Service, explained that the institution monitors extreme phenomena through a crisis cell and sends updates every 2-4 hours.

"From now on, the urgent data will directly reach the 112 Service that is attached to the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations. This change will improve coordination and reaction in case of danger," explained Mihai Grigoraş.

The agreement is an important step towards strengthening public safety and effectively managing climate risks.