
Famous scientist Sveatoslav Moscalenco died


The Moldovan scientific community mourns for scientist Sveatoslav Moscalenco.”Academician Sveatoslav Moscalenco distinguished himself by theoretical elaborations in solid state physics, nonlinear optics and quantic optics. Sixty years ago, he predicted the Bose-Einstein condensate and this way opened a new direction in solid state physics. This direction attracted a large number of researchers to different scientific centers of the world, who not even confirmed the experimental phenomenon predicted by our compatriot, but also demonstrated its importance for practical application. In particular, this laid at the basis of a new type of laser – the unique polariton laser used in medicine,” says the obituary signed by President Maia Sandu, Speaker Igor Grosu and Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilița, IPN reports.

Academician Sveatoslav Moscalenco was born on September 26, 1928 in Bravicea village of Călărași district.  He was conferred the title of doctor habilitate in 1971 and had been a member of the Academy of Science since 1992.  He was also awarded the Order of the Republic, the Academy of Science’s medals “Dimitrie Cantemir” and “Scientific Merit” and was a Laureate of the State Award.

“We offer our condolences and compassion to the grieving families, mates and all the close ones,” runs the obituary.