Five persons, two of whom minors ,were hospitalized after they suffered carbon monoxide positioning. The incident happened in a home in Stauceni village of Chisinau municipality. According to preliminary findings, the family was poisoned by toxic gas emitted by the faulty boiler, IPN reports.
The Civil Protection and Emergencies Service said three of the victims are aged between 30 and 40, while two are children aged two and seven. The minors were admitted to the Mother and Child Institute, while the adults to “Saint Trinity” Hospital in Chisinau.
Employees of the Experimental Antifire Lab examined the scene and established that toxic substances were most probably emitted after the fuel burned in the boiler. The specialists identified fissures in the heating vent.
The Civil Protection and Emergencies Service warns the population to obey the antifire rules when using heating sources, to air the homes and to check the air and heating vents.