Families with many children condemn approval of bill on ensuring of equality
A group of parents with many children who formed a public association condemn the approval by the Government of the bill on ensuring of equality. The association threatens to stage protests if Parliament adopts this bill, Info-Prim Neo reports.
Eduard Rosca, who is the father of six children, told a news conference on Wednesday that the Association of Parents with Many Children consists of 74 families. The families are disappointed that the government, which claims to represent the people, does not take into account the society’s opinion on this law. The man said that several days ago, his wife was walking through Vadului Voda with the children and saw two boys who were kissing and touching each other’s genital organs in public. Two days ago, two girls of about 20 were kissing passionately in front of the Press House in central Chisinau.
“If we see today these people with deviations behaving so freely in public, I’m concerned about the fact that my children will have to live in a country where they will witness such things. We are against this aggressive promotion of homosexuality,” said Eduard Rosca.
“We are deeply concerned that the Metropolitan Church keeps silent now, except certain voices. This silence in this very serious situation for the whole Moldovan society means nothing but betrayal and sacrificing of the people obtained in exchange for posts and commodities. I’m concerned that they act in collusion with the government.”
A mother of six, Aliona Tugulea said the families with many children are more discriminated that the persons with untraditional sexual orientation when they go to medical, education and other institutions. They are often reproached for giving birth to so many children. “What is the guarantee that my children in the future will not be attracted by this small group and will not be discriminated? I ask you Mister Filat to do what’s right and not to treat us in the same way as the homosexuals,” she stated.
Eugen Botezatu, who has five children, said that he is against this law. The politicians in elections promise one thing, but then do another thing. “If you pass this law, you will curse the entire people that you must lead on the path to truth and justice,” he said.
The executive approved the bill on ensuring of equality on Wednesday, May 23.