
Falsehoods about LGBT circulated to distort discussions about accession to EU


Falsehoods about the LGBT people are often disseminated in the public space to distort discussions about Moldova’s accession to the European Union, according to representatives of the civic initiative “Citizens for Europe”.

Eugen Muravschi, a member of the team, said that these untruths are meant to distract attention from current problems. The EU cannot impose LGBT quotas in the public service because the EU functions based on the founding treaties, according to which the EU has no responsibilities in the fields of education policy, civil status policy and public administration in terms of human resources. Those who circulate falsehoods about the LGBT community aim to use people’s fears to manipulate them from an electoral point of view.

Tatiana Cojocari, sociologist and expert of WatchDog.md community, noted that in order to differentiate between truth and speculation, it is necessary to look into the past because the past shows things that already happened. There are many Orthodox states in the EU that have not legalized same-sex marriage. “No one will force us to do something that our politicians or the people will not want and we will always have at our disposal the referendum to decide what we want,” said Tatiana Cojocari.

According to Andrei Perciun, doctor of philosophy, the erroneous content of the news comes lays emphasis on emotions. A false discourse animates prejudice, which is a wrong attitude. Those who create falsehoods emphasize only one problem. “Discrimination can be overcome by dividing information into relevant and irrelevant, while the labeling of a person is not welcome and does not fully reflect a person’s identity,” stated Andrei Perciun. He recommended that what is relevant to a prosperous life in common should be taken into account, and information about private life should be ignored.