Experts say mass media promotes evident gender disequilibrium
The mass media promotes a marked gender disequilibrium, says the study “Image of Man and Woman in Print Media” launched by the Partnership for Development Centre (PDC) and the NGO Club for Equal Chances “In Tandem” on September 25.
The study authors Maria Saharneanu, Larisa Ungureanu and Emilia Ghetu monitored six periodicals over three consecutive years during the same periods of time. They assessed how and to what degree the publications reflected the image of the man and the woman.
The executive director of the PDC Daniela Terzi-Barbarosie described the study as an unprecedented, professionally drawn up work that represents a good guide for journalists.
Project author Maria Saharneanu said that only 10-15% of the printed materials center on women’s performance. The articles about women are usually placed on the last pages of the publications and can be considered special supplements where the women are presented as housewives, mothers, users of cosmetic products and others, while the photos most of the times present the women as anonymous personages, victims of rapes, of human trafficking or of domestic violence.
The study was carried out with the financial support of Soros-Moldova Foundation. It gives a series of recommendations such as the organization of training courses, competitions, roundtable meetings for journalists; formulation of state programmes designed to sensitize mass media to gender equality.