
Experts give advice for new government


Fourteen experts formulated recommendations for the new government and included them in the book “Government Priorities 2009”, which was launched on September 9. It is a project implemented by the Association for Participative Democracy ADEPT, Info-Prim Neo reports. The work focuses on the civic and political rights, implications of the budgetary-fiscal policy on the management of public finances, the investment climate and other issues. “The book is intended for the new government, and we hope that it will take into account experts’ recommendations and conclusions. It is designed to promote the democratic values and the active participation of the people in public life,” said the director of ADEPT Igor Botan. The leader of the Moldova Noastra Alliance Serafim Urecheanu welcomed the appearance of the book, saying it is the product of the cooperation between the civil society and the politicians. “I am confident that before adopting a decision, the legislative body will consult the civil society fist. Such publications are welcome as they remind us that we must be impartial,” the politician said. The Liberal MP Corina Fusu said that a part of the recommendations will be taken account of when finalizing the anti-crisis and government programs and adopting new laws. “No matter what happens later this year, 2009 will remain an exceptional year in Moldova’s history as it saw deep crises,” it is said in the work. “The way in which the central authorities dealt with the April 6-7 events, the protests against the election outcome and the mass violation of the human rights by the police aroused people’s distrust in the Moldovan democratic institutions.” According to project coordinator Elena Prohnitski, the publication was planned as a source of policy analyses that could help the political parties and the ordinary people understand the acute problems faced in Moldova. The book includes 12 chapters that focus on economy, justice and human rights. It is a retrospective study of the developments in these areas during 2001-2008.