
Experts consider Government’s policy stability as positive


Investments in Moldova are still at low levels, imports are increasing faster than the exports, and diversification of trade is slow. At the same time, poverty reduction process is slowed down especially in rural area. These are the conclusions of the authors of „Euromonitor” in the framework of the project „The Action Plan European Union – Moldova: document accessible to public”, implemented by the Association for Participative Democracy „ADEPT” and EXPERT-GRUP. According to the analysts of these organizations, in the second trimester of 2006, authorities managed to face the problems and to keep the firmness of the promoted policy, including in the field of European integration. A clinching example is the new agreement between the Government of Moldova and the International Monetary Fund, by which the relationship with the international financial organizations is reinstated. In this context, the Executive managed to negotiate the re-schedule of the foreign debt via the Paris Club, and the International Rating Agency „Fitch Ratings” reconfirmed the rating provided to Moldova on the long-term external commitments in foreign and national currencies and considered „stable” the perspective for provided ratings. More, the International Credit Rating Agency Moody’s Investors Service has improved the long-term rating of Moldova, the perspective for the mark given to long-term credits in foreign currency being considered stable. During this period the number of companies working in the field of informational technologies and communications of Moldova, including the foreign ones has increased, due to income tax relieves for a period of 5 years and fiscal facilities making more dynamic the investors’ environment. In January-May MDL 104.1 mln lei were attracted from foreign donors. At the same time, the priorities of the fiscal policy for 2007 includes tax exemptions on income for the businessmen placing the money in commercial banks for more than 3 years or purchase bonds issued for a term of over 3 years, legal entities making investments. According to the Ministry of Finance, an increase by 14-19% of the fiscal incomes is foreseen, thus the money accumulated in the budget will be 1.5-fold more in 2009 compared with 2005.