
Experts: CC decision affected presidential institution’s image


Experts consider the declaring of the presidential decree to designate again Natalia Gavrilița as Prime Minister affected the presidential institution’s image. Furthermore, they said that if the President refuses to obey the Constitution and to nominate the parliamentary majority’s candidate, the procedure for suspending the President could be initiated, IPN reports.

Political experts said that if the President does not accept to have a dialogue with the parliamentary groups and does not designate the candidate supported by this, the suspension procedure can be initiated by the votes of 2/3 of the MPs. A national referendum is later held. Until a plebiscite could be held, attempts will be made to discredit Maia Sandu so as to reduce her popular approval rating.

“Maia Sandu’s team lost two months as the process was delayed absolutely unfoundedly. Today we can admit that Maia Sandu’s team wasn’t ready to take over government. Even if some of the polls show the PAS would gain a considerable number of seats in the future elections, the situation can change if they continue to follow the path of delays,” Anatol Țăranu stated in the talk show “Emphasis on Today” on TVR Moldova channel.

Expert of the Institute for Development and Social Initiatives “Viitorul” Veaceslav Berbeca said the Constitutional Court’s decision is a blow to the image of the presidential institution. The political opponents of Maia Sandu will not hesitate to use this error to attack the President.

“In the short run, the Court’s decision advantaged the parliamentary parties that do not want snap elections. Furthermore, it affected the image of the presidential institution. If the propaganda is intensified and the citizens are told that the country suffocates because the candidate is not designated, Maia Sandu will suffer. A new political crisis will affect the popularity of the PAS and Maia Sandu,” stated Veaceslav Berbeca.

At the same time, former Constitutional Court judge Nicolae Osmochescu said the Court’s decision does not oblige the President to nominate the candidate suggested by the parliamentary majority.

“The Court didn’t oblige the President to nominate the candidate proposed by the parliamentary majority. The PSRM-Shor is not a formalized majority. It is a simple collection of signature. A majority is formed by signing an agreement that has political and legal effects,” stated Nicolae Osmochescu.

The Constitutional Court declared unconstitutional President Maia Sandu’s decree by which Natalia Gavrilița was nominated for premiership the second time. Under the law, the President must initiate new consultations with the parliamentary groups so as to identify a candidate for Prime Minister. But President Sandu announced that she pleads for snap parliamentary elections or for a referendum if her suspension from Office is initiated.