
Experts argue for and against protests and early elections


The current government will not concede the power so easily and civil society should further exert pressure on it by protests, said experts from yesterday evening’s panel of the talk show “Politics” produced by TV7 channel. Other experts said they don’t think the protests will lead to early elections, IPN reports.

Transparency International Moldova president Lilia Carasciuc considers the whole society must protest against the current govern rent, regardless of the political preferences. “Society should unite and should not be divided according to political criteria, into pro-Russians or pro-Europeans. Only this way will we be able to get rid of the corrupt regime. I think we should seek help from international organizations,” she said.

Ex-MP Stela Jantuan said society should continue to protest. “The protests are now the only democratic element by which pressure can be exerted on the political class so that this concedes power. But a lot is yet to be done, including for changing the mentality of the voters who become corrupt and then complain that the country is being robbed,” she stated.  

Though she is for early parliamentary elections, anticorruption expert Mariana Kalughin considers these will not take place. “The current government will not yield to protesters’ demands. It’s absurd to think that they will concede and we will have early elections. Nothing has happened until now despite the issued ultimatum. We will have early elections only if the ruling parties want this,” she said.

Journalist Ion Terguta also thinks that early elections will not take place. “Nobody is ready for early elections – neither the ruling parties, nor the opposition. It will be a victory if the state institutions are depoliticized,” he stated.