
Experts and politicians about PLDM-PDM-PCRM dialogue


The dialogue between the Liberal-Democrats, Democrats and the Communists is an attempt to intimidate the Liberals and to force them move to the opposition. Such statements were made in the program “Moldova live” on the public TV channel Moldova 1, IPN reports.

Political analyst Valentin Dolganiuc considers that the leaders of the three parties make a common front against the Liberals. “The initiation of this dialogue shows that an older statement of Ghimpu, according to which the Democratic Party wants two of the three key state posts – of Head of Parliament and of President of the country – was true. Vlad Filat can do nothing as he can be blackmailed, while Vladimir Voronin is controlled by Plahotniuc. Only Ghimpu cannot be blackmailed. That’s why they do not want to allow him to take part in governance. I think it is an older scenario and the lack of time is the main argument they invoke,” he said.

The head of the Centrist Union Party Mihai Petrache considers that this dialogue is an intelligent method of fooling the people. “The PCRM was involved in discussions in order to make the Liberal Party shift to the opposition on its own initiative. The PDM and PLDM have European cover in this respect as many politicians warned them not to destroy the relations with Russia without reason,” he stated.

Former heavyweight of the PLDM Mihai Godea, who heads the Democratic Action Party, criticized the PLDM for the decision to discuss with the Communists. “Filat should not forget how he returned to politics, the anti-Communist and anti-Voronin slogans. As regards the Democrats, I think they have the most comfortable position and will lose nothing either they form an alliance with the Communists or with the Liberals,” he stated.