
Experience exchange for central bank auditors of Francophone countries takes place in Chișinău


The internal audit officials from central banks from Francophone countries will attend, over the course of two days, an experience sharing seminar regarding positive practices in corporate governance and internal audit in the context of maintaining a stable central bank, which supports stability for the entire banking system. The experience exchange will take place at a conference in Chișinău, which is in its 12th edition.

According to Vadim Enicov, member of the audit committee and a non-executive member of the Supervisory Board of the BNM, the topic of fight against corruption in central banks and the role of internal audit will be discussed during the event. Additionally, auditors will exchange experience related to techniques and methods of working with digital software, such as Big Data.

According to Vadim Enicov, the yearly conferences focus on current topics. This year, the conference is taking place in Moldova due to the banking system reforms and corporate governance reforms in the BNM that took place in Moldova.

"These reforms were noticed by international bodies such as the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the European Bank and colleagues from other central banks. They have expressed their interest in the high results and how the reforms were carried out", said the BNM audit committee member.

Vadim Enicov said that, in order to support stability in the banking system, the central bank must regulate its own processes, departments and subdivisions. "It is not an easy task. It is very complex for ourselves and for other central banks. That's why we use new digital applications in internal audit and risk management. We want to learn all these things. We are working on implementation in order to improve the internal activity of the BNM and its corporate activity, which as a result will affect the entire banking system", said Vadim Enicov.

The conference proceedings take place between October 17 and 19.