
European Commission presents policy reforms to modernize Moldova’s research and innovation system


The European Commission presented key policy recommendations to help modernize the science and innovation sectors of the Republic of Moldova. This is the first time that a country associated to the EU makes voluntary use of the Horizon 2020 Policy Support Facility, an instrument that gives governments practical support to identify, implement and evaluate those reforms needed to enhance the quality of their public research and innovation systems, IPN reports, quoting a press release of the European Commission.

Carlos Moedas, European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, siad the recommendations in the report are stepping stones for smart reforms, helping to get the most out of the Moldovan research and innovation ecosystem.

The Peer Review report presents seven policy messages addressed to the Moldovan authorities, namely to embed Research and Innovation (R&I) policy in the overall economic policy strategy of the country; to improve the governance of the national R&I system by strengthening the political responsibility for R&I with a dedicated Ministerial responsibility; to create an independent, transparent and accountable R&I implementation Agency.

Among the other recommendations are to redress the binary research and education system of Moldova, to safeguard the public R&I capacity of Moldova by ensuring that the physical, intellectual and human capital of its research institutions is maintained and eventually reinforced, to take resolute action to improve the employment and funding opportunities, working conditions and career perspectives of researchers, and to urgently review the framework conditions for innovation by putting in place a coherent set of policy measures to create and stimulate a supportive environment for business engagement in R&I activities.

The Horizon 2020 Policy Support Facility provides expertise and operational support to the design, implementation and evaluation of structural reforms of the national research and innovation systems through a broad range of services: country peer reviews, support to specific policy reforms, and project-based mutual learning exercises to improve policy-making practice. It is funded under Horizon 2020, the EU research and innovation program.