
Eugen Tomac: We want Moldova to unite with Romania within EU


The union of the Republic of Moldova with Romania within the European Union is a realistic political objective and the only one that can guarantee the security of the citizens in this Romanian space, Romanian MEP Eugen Tomac stated at a press conference hosted by IPN. The leader of the People’s Movement Party (PMP) called on the Moldovan citizens who hold Romanian citizenship to take part in the June 9 European Parliament elections and support the United Right Alliance. According to the politician, the political entity the European Parliament advocate supporting Moldova in the context of the Russian Federation’s aggressive pressure.

A number of 52 polling stations will be established in Moldova for the June 9 European Parliament elections. The PMP chairman Eugen Tomac called upon the Romanians in the Republic of Moldova not to ignore these elections and to vote for Romanian political entities that will support Moldova’s cause in the European Parliament.

“In the Republic of Moldova, almost one million citizens are already citizens of the European Union. Practically, the Republic of Moldova is the only candidate for membership of the European Union where a large part of the citizens are already citizens of the European Union, through Romanian citizenship. The first and most important appeal is to invite you to go and vote at all the 52 polling stations established in the Republic of Moldova. On the ballot papers, you will find many electoral competitors, but the United Right Alliance, made up of the PMP, USR and the Force of the Right, is the only right-wing alliance in these European Parliament elections,” said the MEP.

The politician noted that, as a MEP, he made most of the steps in the European Parliament in favor of the Republic of Moldova. In the context of the Russian military aggression in Ukraine and the hybrid war waged against the Republic of Moldova, Chisinau deserves increased support from the European Union. “In all modesty, I must emphasize that in the last five years I had the largest number of interventions in the European Parliament through which I constantly asked for support for the Republic of Moldova - 23 interventions in the plenary of the European Parliament, which can be verified by any citizen. The Republic of Moldova is a priority in my work as a politician. Whether I was a member of the Romanian Parliament or a member of the European Parliament, I believe that in order to remove the Republic of Moldova from the harmful influence of the Russian Federation, we must support it unceasingly, in any context,” stated Eugen Tomac.

The MEP argued that Moldova can benefit from a security umbrella only by uniting with Romania. The union of the two Romanian states inside the European Union will provide Moldova with prosperity, welfare and security guaranteed by NATO.

“Among our priorities in the European Parliament will be to explain to all the political groups why it is essential for the Republic of Moldova, in the future, after joining the European Union, to benefit from a security shield. The European Union brings welfare, fairness, investment, helps create highly-paying jobs, supports the reform in administration, strengthening of justice. These objectives are essential in the Republic of Moldova and they must be supported unconditionally. However, the European Union doesn’t have instruments to guarantee the security of a member state, candidate or associated country. We look with great concern at the issue of security of the Republic of Moldova, especially in the current context when we can see how unpredictable and aggressive Russia is. Therefore, we must be realistic and propose solutions so that the citizens of the Republic of Moldova feel safe. Therefore, the message of the United Right Alliance is that we want the Republic of Moldova to unite with Romania within the European Union. It is a realistic political objective and the only one that can guarantee the security of the Republic of Moldova,” said the official.

In the European Parliament elections, the United Right Alliance will be on the 6th position in the ballot.

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