
Eugen Muravschi: If we cannot ensure solidarity, it means we are not a society


Igor Dodon wanted to be perceived as a Moldovan Putin and showed his office was arranged similarly to that of the Russian leader and remained only with that stuff. The situation in the case of Zelensky is different. He was initially elected as an anti-system politician. He is the figure who gives life to solidarity in hard moments for the people whom he represents, political pundit Eugen Muravschi stated in a public debate staged by IPN News Agency.

Speaking about social solidarity, the pundit compared it with life inside a family where its members can have different preferences, including political ones, but this does not prevent them from communicating, from overcoming barriers that make them different, from perceiving themselves as a whole, from helping each other. “This is what we need to do at the level of society. If it does not work, it means we are not a society. We are a gathering of individuals who share the same geographic space in the same historical circumstances. In this case, we are vulnerable. We can be divided and can be conquered, not necessarily militarily, economically, ideologically and propagandistically.”

Eugen Muravschi said tolerance as a component part of national solidarity is often not accepted in society. It is associated rather with a kind of extremism of the left, but tolerance is what enables us to live now in Moldova together with people who want to join Romania, to become part of the EU or who consider the EU is experiencing moral degradation. “I can address a shop assistant in Romanian and this can respond in Russian and there is no problem here. In the 2000s, the situation in Chisinau was different. The linguistic and ethnic tensions were much greater”.

Assessing the state of spirit of Moldovan society, the pundit said things go right, even if at a lower speed. Such issues as ethnicity and language matter less and the politicians who try in elections to explore these subjects do not gain votes with tricks that worked during so many years. The people dominated by Russian propaganda about the war in Ukraine, owing to the information security failures, also accept Ukrainian refugees into their homes. They behave in a solidary way in the real life, in inter-human relations.

Eugen Muravschi believes that to be really European, we need to accept tolerance at national, civic level. “We all live in this country and need to get on well regardless of the political opinions and accept that we will never obtain uniformity in the political thinking and preferences of citizens,” he stated.

The public debate entitled “About state of spirit of nation during states of emergency and war” was the 233th installment of IPN’s project “Developing Political Culture through Public Debates” that is supported by the Hanns Seidel Foundation.