
EU-Moldova Cooperation Committee adopts 37 recommendations


A number of 37 recommendations were adopted in the 18th meeting of the European Union – Moldova Parliamentary Cooperation Committee, including hastening the signing and ratification of the Association Agreement and holding parliamentary elections in accordance with the international standards and commitments, IPN reports.

The lawmakers said that following the recent aggression of Russia against Ukraine, the signing of the Association Agreement between the EU and Moldova is an urgent and very important matter. They called on the EU to make every effort to sign the accord in April, even if not all the formal procedures were completed.

“A crisis period requires solutions to the crisis, while the signing of the accord and the rapid integration of Moldova into the EU are immediate priorities for the regional stability and democracy,” the Committee’s co-chairwoman on behalf of the EU Monica Macovei told a news conference. According to her, the haste is caused by the political crisis, with the greatest pressure being exerted before the signing of the accord.

The members of the Committee called on Russia to respect and support the unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine and its neighbors, to lift the embargo on the Moldovan wines and alcoholic products and to stop using restrictive measures against Moldovan migrants. Monica Macovei underlined that the Association Agreement does not aim to affect the political, economic and cultural ties between Moldova and Russia. The successful implementation of the Free Trade Area will help modernize the Moldovan economy, while developing an internationally competitive economy is not among the objectives of the Customs Union.

As to the Transnistrian region, the Committee recommends working out a detailed plan of action, based on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Moldova. The Committee called on the negotiating sides to hold real and profound discussions so as to find a solution concerning the region’s political status.

Monica Macovei said she discussed with the head of the Transnistrian supreme soviet Mihail Burla and asked him to return the money for the salaries of teachers of the Theoretical Lyceum “Lucian Blaga” and the school’s stamp, which were sequestrated by the Transnistrian security forces in February.

The recommendations were adopted by nine votes in favor and three against.