
EU launches “Europe for Everyone” caravan


The company “Ecorys”, with the financial support of the European Union, will be staging the caravan “Europe for Everyone” from April 30 until the end of July. The caravan will visit the largest 16 settlements of Moldova. The first pit stop will be in Cahul town, the company’s communication expert Andrei Stoiciu has told IPN.

A tent will be set up in the center of the town, where the people will be able to find out information about the liberalization of the visa regime, the European integration process and its benefits.

At 10.00, the Cahul District Council will hold debates involving representatives of the local and central public authorities on the European integration process, the Association Agreement that includes the Free Trade Agreement with the EU, and its impact on the process of reunifying the country.

At 12.30, the caravan will go to the State University “B. P. Hasdeu” and the Center “Pro-Europa” in Cahul. There will also be held debates on the European integration with the participation of the local authorities, students and representatives of civil society.

On May 10, the caravan will arrive in Chisinau, on May 17 in Comrat, while on May 23 in Balti. The schedule for the other settlements will be made public later.