
EU High-Level Advisers about reform results in Moldova


The Republic of Moldova needs support and consultancy to do the reforms specified in the Moldova – EU Association Agreement. In a public debate organized with the EU High-Level Adviser, these spoke about the reform results achieved in their field of expertise by the Moldovan institutions they are advising since the EU – Republic of Moldova Association Agreement has been in effect, IPN reports.

EU High-Level Adviser on Education Daniel Funeriu said the European Union goes through a permanent modification process. The EU is based on a series of values and these values derive from the mentality of each citizen. Education takes part in the creation of mentality and that’s why the EU supports education and research. “The first thing that Moldova did with the support of European experts was a new modern law on education. The reformation of the vocational education system is another effort. Seven professional education centers are on the way of being renovated. There were trained 20 directors and more than 80 teachers who can now teach at the highest standards. There were implemented over 30 modern studies programs. We should create functional systems,” stated Daniel Funeriu.

Snezhana Blagoeva, EU High-Level Adviser on Rural Development and Agriculture tackled the issue of importance of having efficient rural development policies in order to develop the country as such.

Continuous consolidation of the food safety sector in order to ensure an efficient control system for the benefit of public health was raised by Zenonas Stanevicius, EU High-Level Adviser on Food Safety.

Rosario De Blasio, EU High-Level Adviser on Customs, addressed the issue of corruption in the system and means to eradicate it. He made a call for integrity and fight against corruption. “We must change, be upright and fight corruption and be motivated to go on,” added Rosario De Blasio.

EU High-Level Advisers’ Mission is a team of 22 experts deployed in the Republic of Moldova with the overall objective to support the Government of the Republic of Moldova to implement its reform Agenda, in particular, to assist in developing the capacities required for the implementation of the Association Agreement, including the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area, as well as to ensure the necessary follow-up for the post - visa liberalization stage.