
Establishment of political bloc “Together” completed


A new political bloc formed by four parties under the name “Together” emerged on the political arena. The four member parties are: the Coalition for Unity and Wellbeing, the Dignity and Truth Platform Party, the League of Cities and Communes and the Party of Change, IPN reports.

“The “Together” bloc will publicly represent the synergy, contributions and common vision of the four parties that constituted it: DA Platform, CUB, the League of Cities and Communes and the Party of Change. The bloc’s logo is a string of stars similar to the EU flag, from very small, ascending stars to stars in all their brightness, symbolizing through their evolution the complicated path that the Republic of Moldova will follow in the accession effort. The first action of the established bloc was the signing of a Pact for Europe - a political document similar to the “Snagov agreement” signed by the political forces in Romania before the country’s accession to the EU - which defines the authentic European parties’ commitment for the space of prosperity and convergence of the European Union,” said CUB chairman Igor Munteanu.

According to him, the pact is open to other personalities, political and social groups, without being a political monopoly of any particular political party. “It is a solid long-term commitment, until the EU accession becomes the only rule that matters, a legacy to the next generations,” noted Igor Munteanu.

LOC co-chairman Alexandru Bujoreanu said that the bloc “Together” launches a broad consultation process of a Pact for Europe. “A draft strategic document through which we propose to all pro-European forces to publicly assume the obligation to contribute to the European integration as a national strategic objective of the Republic of Moldova. We need an agreement at national level between all the political forces, civil society organizations, academia and the cultural community on the assumption of the European integration. The European future cannot be monopolized by the government. This desideratum can only become a reality if it is supported by the entire society. We propose to political parties, civil society, academia and the people of culture to meet in the near future at a discussion table to agree the final text of the Pact for Europe,” stated Alexandru Bujoreanu.

The leader of the Party of Change Ștefan Gligor that that the official name of the bloc, “Together”, symbolizes the unification of pro-European political forces and honors the citizens’ will to unify the pro-European political forces. “Of course, we also adopted the symbol of the block “Together” – a blue rectangle with stars, symbolizing the member states and the states in the process of European integration, arranged in a circle,” said the chairman of the Party of Change.

“We live in an extremely divided society and the name of the bloc “Together” outlines an objective we want to achieve – a new path for politics in the Republic of Moldova, a path that involves a more complicated road, but a path that can bring more benefits to society as a whole. On this road, we want to make the most of the human potential that the Republic of Moldova has, to engage each citizen and put at the head of the table the human entity as the supreme value that the Republic of Moldova has,” said Dinu Plîngău, chairman of the DA Platform.