The enterprises that shorten the work program following the crisis generated by the war in Ukraine or other emergency situations can benefit from support from the Government, IPN reports.
Under a Government decision of November 10, 2021, the reduced work schedule can be set for a period of up to three consecutive months, but for at most five months a year. In this regard, the employers complete a form on their own responsibility and submit it to the electronic reporting portal at least five workdays before the institution of the reduced work schedule. Based on the form and statement of the employer submitted in electronic form, the National Employment Agency issues an acceptance or refusal decision.
“The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection for the first time established such a mechanism for subsidizing employers that institute a reduced work schedule for economic reasons or due to the state of emergency. For the business entity to be able to keep the employees when the enterprise has a reduced workload, the Government comes with support and covers a part of employees’ salaries,” said Felicia Bechtoldt, secretary of state of the Ministry.
Since this measure started to be implemented in November 2021, about 500 employees have benefitted from support. A sum of approximately 800,000 lei was allocated for the purpose.
Employers can further ask for support to pay salaries of employees with a reduced work schedule by filling out a form