
Ensuring of equality between men and women is a mandatory condition in EU


The ensuring of equality of chances between men and women in the decision-making process is a fundamental precondition for a state that chose the European course and that aims to ensure democracy in particular, said the Head of Development Cooperation at the Swedish Embassy in Moldova, Counselor Henrik Huitfeldt, quoted by IPN.

“For the Republic of Moldova, which chose the European perspective, the ensuring of equality of chances and opportunities is a fundamental precondition because it will offer men and women the same power to build the own future. The adoption of legislation is a very important, but insufficient step for a real transformation. There is a lot to be done to create equal chances and opportunities for women and men, but especially for women, so that they are more active in the political and social life,” stated Henrik Huitfeldt.

The EU has a plan of action for ensuring equality of chances, with three key areas: equal participation in decision-making; economic and financial independence of women; a violence-free life. “In the European Union, the equality of chances between men and women is mandatory and all the EU member states respect this commitment. It’s normal for Moldova to respect these priorities too, if it wants to become an EU member,” said Henrik Huitfeldt.

He advised the political parties of Moldova to immediately adopt the legislative framework for ensuring the women’s representation in the decision-making process because this will be a beneficial step towards the EU. In the long term, each of the parties should think about the principle of gender equality and discuss the promotion of the equality of chances with their voters as this is a fundamental principle of democracy.