
Employers and trade unions pronounce on modified method of paying health insurance premium


Before making changes to the method of paying the mandatory health insurance premium by working persons, the proposals weren’t discussed with experts of the National Trade Union Confederation. On the other hand, the National Employers Confederation said the made changes are insignificant.

From January 1, 2021, the premium will be fully paid by employees. Instead, the employers will assume responsibility for fully paying the contribution to the pension fund.

Contacted by IPN for details, vice director of the National Employers Confederation Petru Chiria said the given changes are welcome for employers and employees. “Initially, it was proposed making these payments the burden of employees, but such a path was avoided given the current socioeconomic situation and the fact that a part of the employees work once or two times a week and the burden of these costs is somehow balanced out,” he explained.

The employees until now paid 6% of the salary into the pension fund and 4.5% of the salary as health insurance, which is 10.5%. As from January 1, 2021, the salary earners will fully pay the health insurance equal to 9% of the earnings.

Leonid Cerescu, chairman of the National Trade Union Confederation, stated for IPN that the impact of these changes is not significant. “There will be no major changes or problems. The payment obligations were always fulfilled by the employer, not by the employee as this pays salaries and contributions to the CNAM,” stated Leonid Cerescu, noting he agrees that the changes will simplify the calculation procedure.