
Emergency medical assistance unit opened in Fetesti


An emergency medical assistance unit was inaugurated in Fetesti commune of Edinet district. This will serve over 12,000 inhabitants of nine villages of the district. Investments came to 1.3 million lei, the money being allocated from the funds of the National Pre-hospital Emergency Medical Assistance Center, IPN reports.

According to the Center, so far emergency pre-hospital medical assistance services in Edinet district were provided by six emergency medical assistance teams based in Branzeni and Cupcini. These served a very large area and spent a long period of time travelling when being called out. Now that the center in Fetesti was opened, the served area will diminish by about 15 km, while the time spent to reach patients will decrease.

The National Pre-hospital Emergency Medical Assistance Center also set up such centers in Stoicani village of Soroca district and in Malaiesti village of Orhei district. Two more centers are to be opened this year, but it hasn’t been yet decided where.