
Election watchdog is worried about penally probed candidates participating in elections


An NGO coalition called “Civic Control – Elections 2009” states its concern with penally searched candidates participating in elections. They presented a monitoring report on Thursday at a news conference, and Alexandru Barbov, the coalition's executive, said Moldova Noastra Alliance (AMN) has on its list for the parliament a candidate named Veaceslav Platon, who is allegedly, being under investigation, Info-Prim Neo reports. “Not questioning the presumption of innocence, we warn that Veaceslav Platon has been announced as internationally wanted by Interpol. This move by the AMN could cause false rumors and ambiguous reactions from the part of electoral contestants and voters to appear,” Barbov said. When asked by Info-Prim Neo, Victor Osipov, the AMN's spokesman, has said Veaceslav Platon is one more representative of the opposition harassed by the ruling party. Osipov has added the reason for being harassed is the interference of interests of Veaceslav Platon and Oleg Voronin in the sugar industry sector. At the same conference, Alexandru Barbov has said the coalition suspects eight electoral contestants of possibly hiding their real expenses in campaigning. Their financial reports presented to the Central Election Commission on March 16 serve as ground for the coalition's doubts. Barbov says the Liberal Democratic Party (PLDM) sent over 75,000 post cards on March 8, spending some 80,000 lei. “According to data offered by the Posta Moldovei, this money was paid in cash, what tells of possible non-transparent methods of financing the electoral campaign by certain parties,” Barbov said. The Coalition “Civic Control – Elections 2009” is also concerned about vandalizing electoral billboards of some parties, urging the police to track the guilty.