
Election contenders can ask to have list of candidates withdrawn until June 26


Until June 26 inclusive, the registered election runners can ask to have the whole list of candidates withdrawn, to replace a candidate or to exclude a candidate for MP, IPN reports, quoting the Central Election Commission.

Under the legal provisions, the decision concerning the withdrawal or modification of the list of candidates is taken by the party that submitted the list, by obeying the minimum representation quota of 40% for both of the sexes. The candidates are placed on the list according to the formula: at least four candidates of a particular gender for each ten places.

In the same context, the independent candidate can withdraw his/her candidacy, but not later than 14 days before the election day.

After this period expires, the registration of the election contestant can be annulled on by the electoral body that registered it, based on a court decision, and in case of death or occurrence of the conditions situated by the Electoral Code, concerning the bans on being elected.

If the election contender withdraws the candidacy or the registration is annulled after the ballots are printed, the electoral bureau of the polling place will put the stamp “Withdrawn” against the name of this.

For the snap parliamentary elections of July 11, 2021, the Central Election Commission registered 23 election contenders, 20 of which are political parties, two are electoral blocs and one is an independent candidate, namely:

1. “Building Europe at Home” Party;
2. Common Action Civic Congress Party;
3. Electoral Bloc “Renato Usatîi”;
4. Shor Party;
5. Party of Action and Solidarity;
6. Electoral Bloc of the Communists and the Socialists;
7. Professional Movement “Speranţa – Nadejda”;
8. Democratic Party;
9. Party “Dignity and Truth Platform”;
10. National Unity Party;
11. Party “Democracy at Home”;

12. Political Party “NOI”;
13. Party of Development and Union of Moldova;
14. Political Party “Alliance for the Union of Romanians”;
15. Ecologist Green Party;
16. Party of Law and Justice;
17. People Power Party;

18. Party of Regions of Moldova;
19.“Moldova’s Patriots” Party;
20  Working People’s Party;
21. Party of Change;
22. “New Historical Option” Party;

23. Veaceslav Valico (independent).