
Election campaign of this year is most criminal one, “Antimafie” Movement


The election campaign preceding the November 30 parliamentary elections is the most criminal one in the country’s history, representatives of the political party People’s Movement “Antimafie” said in a news conference at IPN.

The party’s leader Sergiu Mocanu said that millions or even billions of euros will be spent in this campaign on concerts and other events. He accused the Democratic Party (PDM) of staging different activities with stolen money and of terrorizing the people with empty statements. He also accused of manipulating society by presenting only lies several TV channels that, according to him, are owned by the first deputy chairman of the PDM Vlad Plahotniuc.

Sergiu Mocanu related that last weekend, the team of “Antimafie” went to a concert organized by the PDM in Nisporeni to tell the people where the money used to stage these concerts was taken from. There the Democrats threw stones at them. However, the members of “Antimafie” do not intend to stop. “We will go after them there where they use the administrative resources and spend hundreds of thousands of euros for making a show for the people,” stated the party’s leader.

“Antimafie” deputy head Daniela Bodrug said the current election campaign is a luxury campaign conducted in the poorest country of Europe. “This campaign is carried out by those who, after the Communists, robbed the country and impoverished the people and now stage luxury concerts for them. This campaign is held in the most non-democratic conditions in Moldova’s history,” she stated. She accused the Central Election Commission and the Broadcasting Coordination Council of favoring some of the ruling political leaders.

“Antimafie” member Igor Buneanu said that though he was injured to the head by a stone in Nisporeni, he will anyway travel to settlements to tell the people with what money these concerts are organized as it’s inadmissible for luxury concerts to be given when Moldova faces poverty and misery.

The Movement “Antimafie” is the seventh on the list of contenders in ballots.