
Eight-year-old girl needs surgery abroad immediately


Maria Stratan, an eight-year-old girl, is urgently in need of an operation on the ear. The girl was born with the right ear closed and deformed. The malformation affects her nervous system and leads to loss of memory. Her family has been looking for money for the operation for over a year and a half. A number of national stars decided to give a charity concert in Chisinau on July 13 to raise funds for the surgery that is performed only in Germany.

The girl’s mother Liuba Stratan sought help from the editorial office of IPN. The woman’s husband died in a road accident in 2008. After his death, the family remained without a place to stay. Both of the woman’s daughters have health problems. The family lives only on the monthly allowances provided by the state. Owing to the malformations, the youngest daughter Maria cannot bear noise and a simple trip by public transport is a real pain for her as it causes unbearable headaches to her. The eldest daughter suffers from epilepsy.

Liuba Stratan said the operation on Maria’s ear can be performed only in Germany and the total costs for surgery and the recuperation period is €38,000. Maria was examined by a team of doctors from Odessa, who said that the girl can have a normal life is she is operated.

During a year and a half, the family managed to collect €1,000. A part of the money represents donations, while the other part was given to her by Christians at the doors of Chisinau churches. A number of national artists lent a hand to the Stratan family, but only 7,000 lei was collected from the sale of tickets. This money is enough only to pay rent for the concert hall.

Liuba Stratan calls on the people of good faith who can help her daughter to come to the charity concert that will take place at the Railway Workers Palace on July 13 at 7pm. Tickets cost between 100 and 200 lei and can be bought on the phone numbers: 069015591 (Liuba Stratan) and 079417815 (Veaceslav Bodarev, head of the public association “Logos”). Donations can be made into a bank account.

Bank data:

Liuba Stratan
IDNP: 2001028306745
cont în lei: MD73MO2311ASV49226347100
eliberat (R) BC Mobiasbanca SA Groupe Societe Generale
codul băncii: MOBBMD22
cont în euro: MD84MO2311ASV49152407100
cont în dolari: MD97MO2311ASV49153117100