Education Sciences provide largest number of budget-funded places
Most of the budget-funded places in universities are available this year at the Faculty of Education Sciences – the specialties of informatics, physics, chemistry, geography, modern languages and literature, preschool pedagogy and primary school pedagogy. There are offered 1 070 places of the over 6 800 budget-funded places available.
Deputy Minister of Education Tatiana Potang has told Info-Prim Neo that the number of budget-funded places is decided every year, depending on the necessities of the national economy.
According to the deputy minister, 22 000 young people will be admitted to universities this year. The admission session starts on July 18 and will end on July 31. The results will be made public by August 5. A second admission round will take place between August 6 and 12 to fill the unoccupied places.
Admission is based on the same formula as last year - 30% on the basis of the average grade on the Baccalaureate exams and 70% on the basis of the average grade on the subjects of one’s specialty.
Tatiana Potang also said that there were opened three new specialties – Microelectronics and Nanotechnology, Information Security, and Motor Transport Technology and Engineering.
The Government of Romania provides 2 150 scholarships to Moldovan students for the 2011-2012 academic year. Details are available on the website of the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research.